Free download Website Rankings Report

Website Rankings Report

Website Rankings Reports by Rank Tracker combine simplicity with the wealth of metrics they offer
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Release date
10 October 2011

Editor's review

This software tool can help find out the rankings of websites on search engines.

As an SEO agency you often face problems like how to generate a long list of relevant keywords for a client site, his PPC campaign etc. quickly. You may need to give him a report about his rankings based on several keywords and provide him professional reports. To do all that you need a tool that can create the data needed very quickly. Creating infographics manually would take a lot of your time; it’d be nice to get these graphs and charts automatically. The rank tracker can produce the details very quickly and professionally. Rank Tracker gets real-time data from the search engines. It would even let you use proxies to beat personalization, and search safety features to avoid IP blocks. The tool also will provide raking reports with trend arrows, progress graphs and visibility score charts. You could choose from four different types of reports.

The overall visibility score allows one to see web page ranks for thousands of keywords and in hundreds of search engines. You would be able to arrange the data metrics by keyword or by search engine. Analytical data for visits to the pages are also included that show what amount of traffic is brought in by which keywords. The reports can be in any one of several languages that include English, Spanish, French, Dutch and Russian. The interface is intuitive even for less experienced users. You become proficient in using the tool very quickly. This is a very useful tool.

Publisher's description

As an SEO agency, no matter how well you are doing with your SEO, it's client reports that really make you shine.
Do you normally spend hours preparing nice infographics to impress clients? No need to take the sweats any longer - grab Rank Tracker and generate super-visual and easy-to-read rankings reports in a click.
What makes Rank Tracker's reports so special?
A - Accuracy
Rank Tracker gets real-time data straight from search engines results pages. It allows you to use proxies to beat personalization, and search safety features to avoid IP blocks.
B - Blatantness
Rank Tracker's rankings reports are as straightforward as they get. Your clients will definitely love Dow Jones-esque arrows that indicate rankings' ups and down, eye-candy progress graphs and visibility score charts.
Moreover, you get to choose from 4 different types of reports (for different occasions and different clients), get to tailor them to a specific client's needs, email them or even make them available on your site.
C - Completeness
Rank Tracker's reports include no more data than required, yet they are exhaustive. They display a site's overall visibility score, let you see where your webpages rank for 1000s of keywords and in 100s of search engines. Besides, you can group metrics by keyword or by search engine, add or remove data as you please.
Reports incorporate analytical data for visits as well. See how much traffic each keyword brings to your site (or include this statistics to show off to clients), measure bounce rates and easily improve rankings.
Reports are available in a variety of languages (English, Spanish, French, Dutch and Russian), which allows you to cater for different categories of clients.
And, on top of that, the SEO software will run on Windows, Linux or Mac.
Still living in a reporting nightmare? Let Rank Tracker help you live your dream - give it a try, hit download!
Website Rankings Report
Website Rankings Report
Version 2.0
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